Novarossi .60 sized engines and Horse Power Ratings
- Random Q&A
- 07 Mar, 2017
Today we have a question from a reader who ask:
Question: What is the output horsepower of the R60CR ? It does not say it on the page where the other specifications are mentioned.
Answer: Some time back Novarossi made the decision to no longer publish HP numbers. Manufacturers test HP on equipment that don't use propellers. This makes numbers hard to equate to the model world of all sorts of different propellers. And probably more of a factor, lets just say, the numbers coming from "others" in the industry were not reliable.
The .60 Novarossi engines turn mid 14K - 15K and unload to higher RPM's in the air. Some modelers have reported 18k numbers with work on props, fuel, plugs, etc. on some of the engines in the line.
Novarossi is Italian made with quality just not available from other countries. Their metallurgy is the finest. We have pilots who win speed races consistently with Novarossi. Many speed records were established and held by the brand also.